
Articles, tools, and commentary on
climate services and solutions.
Mar 08 2024
We developed a regularly-updating, harmonized database of carbon offset projects and credits for download and interactive exploration.
Database toolExplainer articleMethods

Sep 05 2023
We developed a new dataset modeling the impacts of humid heat now and into the future, in collaboration with The Washington Post. Read the article or the coverage in The Post.

Offsets DB
A harmonized database of carbon offset projects and credits.
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Aug 09 2024
Climate risk companies don’t always agree
Models broadly agree that climate change is affecting risks. But when it comes to assessing danger for individual addresses, the results can differ significantly.
Models broadly agree that climate change is affecting risks. But when it comes to assessing danger for individual addresses, the results can differ significantly.
Mar 18 2024
Does enhanced weathering work? We’re still learning.
There are lots of carbon removal estimates for enhanced weathering in the scientific literature, but making sense of them is hard. We synthesized these estimates to clarify the current state of the science and grapple with its limitations.
There are lots of carbon removal estimates for enhanced weathering in the scientific literature, but making sense of them is hard. We synthesized these estimates to clarify the current state of the science and grapple with its limitations.
Mar 08 2024
Monitoring the global carbon market with OffsetsDB
Information about carbon offset projects and credits is spread across the internet, making it hard to compare up-to-date data from different sources. Our new, regularly updated database harmonizes offset data from several sources, helping make the offsets market more transparent.
Information about carbon offset projects and credits is spread across the internet, making it hard to compare up-to-date data from different sources. Our new, regularly updated database harmonizes offset data from several sources, helping make the offsets market more transparent.
Sep 14 2023
Comparing carbon removal approaches that act over different timescales
How should we compare carbon removal approaches that work on different parts of the carbon cycle at different timescales? We explore how understanding equilibration dynamics helps us compare different carbon removal approaches.
How should we compare carbon removal approaches that work on different parts of the carbon cycle at different timescales? We explore how understanding equilibration dynamics helps us compare different carbon removal approaches.
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Policy Briefs
Jul 03 2024
Policy Brief
The first offset credits approved by a major integrity program don’t make the grade
Initial results from the ICVCM assessment process highlight the challenges of reliably identifying high-quality offset credits.
Feb 08 2024
Policy Brief
Fire threatens the integrity of California’s forest offset program
The state’s cap-and-trade system depends on forest offsets. But forests burn. And the buffer pool isn’t robust enough to protect the system.
Dec 04 2023
Policy Brief
The voluntary carbon market is gearing up to sell corn ethanol CCS projects as carbon removal because they store biogenic CO₂. We explain why this logic falls short.
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Comment Letters
Sep 17 2024
California Department of Insurance re: Proposed Text of Regulation of Catastrophe Modeling and Ratemaking
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Sep 15 2023
One Earth
Carbon offsets are incompatible with the Paris Agreement
For carbon offsets to support temperature stabilization under the Paris Agreement, nearly everything about them must change.
Sep 12 2022
Global Change Biology
Using remote sensing to quantify the additional climate benefits of California forest carbon offset projects
An ex post analysis shows that credited carbon sequestration in California projects is likely non-additional. These findings illustrate the importance of using dynamic baseline controls to credit carbon.
Dec 23 2022
Nature Plants
Economic and biophysical limits to seaweed farming for climate change mitigation
A paper using coupled seaweed growth and technoeconomic models to better understand the potential role of seaweed farming for carbon removal and biomass products.
Aug 05 2022
An actuarial analysis of California's forest carbon offset insurance program shows that it fails to adequately address risks from wildfire and sudden oak death.
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CarbonPlan is a registered nonprofit public benefit corporation in California with 501(c)(3) status.